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The File-menu

General Information
The File-menu offers the most basic functionality of the program, like loading and saving files.

AV.NET offers two templates for you that make it quick and easy to start new pages from scratch. You can generate a CSS2-compliant style sheet with a few of the most common elements pre-defined to give you a kickstart into your design, or you can choose a fully XHTML 1.1-conforming web page template with the most tedious formalities of well-formed and valid XHTML taken care of.

The XHTML template includes the document type definition, character set, pragma no-cache, and - if you set it up so - an external CSS link.
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Blank File
If you do not wish to use any templates and instead start with a blank ASCII-file, use this option.
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With this option you can browse for files in a standard windows common dialog browser. You will have 4 different file filters to choose from: All files, Web files, Programming files and a combined web/programming files-filter. Below are the filters and their extension matches.

ALL Files: *.*

Web Files: *.txt, *.htm, *.html, *.shtml, *.xhtml, *.css, *.log, *.conf, *.php, *.phtml, *.php3, *.xml, *.cgi, *.pl, *.js, *.class, *.list, *.htaccess, *.htpasswd, *.accessfilter, *.help

Programming Files: *.c, *.h, *.cpp, *.list, *.pack, *.log, *.txt, *.dat, *.frm, *.bas
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QuickJump is an exciting feature that replaces the obsolete, buggy and cumbersome Bookmarks found in AV.NET v1.0 build2 and older versions from v1.1 build3 onwards. They are comfortable and quick to use without even using your mouse and they don't suffer from the various bugs of bookmarks. They are capable of self-monitoring, so you won't end up with corrupted, invalid or otherwise outdated links in your jump list. The monitoring is rigorous, and immediately when a link is found to be invalid, it's removed. If you clear the jumpfiles.lst datafile, the program will set its own QuickJump datafile as a default entry. Also, the window resizes intelligently - that is, if there's a long filename, the window will stretch appropriately.
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This option will save and overwrite your currently open file. If you're working on a new document, you will be prompted for a name.
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Save As...
This option will prompt you for a name for your file and save it.
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View length of file
This option will give you an approximation of the filesize of the current saved file in kilobytes. If you have made any changes to your document, you will need to save it before this value can be updated.
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View amount of lines (Saved / Current)
There are two options for counting the amount of lines in a file in AV.NET. The two methods are actually very, very different even though they do basically the same thing. The fundamental functional difference is that if you have loaded a file and edited it, using the Saved-method will return the amount of lines your file had BEFORE you opened it. If you want to know how many lines you've added to it, you can either save the file and then use Saved-method and see the difference, or, if you'd rather not, you can use the Current-method, which is handier for quick checks along the way as you edit. That said, the saved-method is dramatically faster than the current-method, so you may wish to consider using the former if speed is an issue (for immensely large files, for example).
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Clear registry
This options performs a so-called Registry Kill. It deletes all registry settings AV.NET has made to your system and then closes the program. It's a good idea to perform this procedure before deleting AV.NET so that you wouldn't get your registry cluttered up with entries that aren't needed. AV.NET comes bundled with a DevFix application, that does the very same thing as this option. The difference is that if the AV.NET registry has become corrupt and the program refuses to start, you can try using the DevFix. It might be enough to get AV.NET back into working order.
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This option will cleanly shut AV.NET down. If you have any unsaved changes in the current document, you will be prompted to save, ignore or cancel quit.
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