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all the world's a song*

I've got a mind of my own
and I'm bigger than the sum of my parts
I've got a lot to say and yet sometimes I don't
really know what to do and where to guide myself
and I stare blankly out into space

I'm a beautiful person I know, I know
I'm no better than anyone else but I know
if you don't have self-respect and dignity
it's really difficult to love someone else

we're all completely and
utterly out of this world, majestic in our ways
with our flaws we're diamonds in the rough
and I know, oh I know you're so
magnificent. all the world's a song

aah yes, all the world's a song
and we sing it, we all do.

Time: 00:17 / Uptime: 826 days, 12:48
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