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(author's warning: this text is several years old and even though I'm still
pathetic, I'm at least more intelligent than this text would lead you to
believe. please understand that the issue of racism is really only used as
a cover so I could make the text seem less about the issue of homophobia,
which is what it's really about. I was more than a little in-the-closet at
the time of this writing)



Most fear all kinds of 'difference'. We want to be part of a group - we
want to fit in. We don't want anyone to stare at us. That would mean that
there's something wrong with us. We don't want to dress funny, look funny,
act funny, and to a certain extent, we really don't even want to think
funny. If you think funny, it somehow feels as if everybody knew. We are
slaves of the group, always yerning for acceptance. We define ourselves
through others around us. Each individual is unique, that's certain. But
we're all alike in the end, even the different people. The western society
defines normality through sexual orientation, religion, colour of skin,
body (handicaps?) - I'm sure you can imagine what's the 'normal' person.
Many think they are tolerant of difference from these norms, but when put
into a real situation, how tolerant would they be? We still can't seem to
overcome our fear of the difference. Why can't we make everyone understand
that different person who we look down to in disgust? Do we even try? We
seem to isolate the different ones. We put them into a cage and hang it for
everyone to see: "Look! He's different!"

The human hostility can be used for good and bad. It shows in varying ways.
Maybe at a time in the past, certain hostility and precariousness was
required. Primal instincts were a way of survival. Today hostility -
hostility towards difference - shows in fear. When that hostility comes
together with fear, fear of the difference, violence ensues. People with
dark skin pigmentation, for example, are collectively labeled as the plague
of the society. What does this mean in practical terms? They're beat up on
the streets and discriminated in working life. So whose fault is it, that
20 years ago five-year old kids were taught to fear difference? Whose fault
is it, that today those kids are part of our society, even though they are
completely unfit for it? See, they are handicapped. They are so afraid of
difference that their hostility emerges. They point at the different ones,
who are inside the cage, and laugh. They throw stones at the cage.

They are plagues of society. They build the empire, yet they also burn it
down. The roots of hatred run deep. As do the roots of difference. You'd
think that it's not an issue anymore. Nowadays, racism is not an issue any
more. Nowadays homophobia is not an issue anymore. It's not like it's the
dark ages any more, you know. This is the 21st century. People aren't
afraid of difference.

Yeah. Most don't fear the difference anymore. Right. The official stance of
the western society is that any sort of segregation should be extinguished,
but how is it enforced? And how come difference still destroys human
beings? Permanently mutilated in their minds and bodies, the different
suffer. The difference does not beat them black and blue. The society does.
Why won't that boy play football in the gym class? Let's phone his mother
and tell her to straighten him up. It's not the bloody boys fault, for gods
sake. You say this isn't the dark ages, eh? Then why, oh why won't that boy
play football, like the rest of the boys?

He's different, you see. He's black, so the other boys won't let him play.
That's how far it all goes. That fear and hatred keeps growing, and it
doesn't go away. But the beginning of it is the most important thing.
Because the bruises of the body will heal over time, but the bruises of the
mind will never heal. For difference has always been isolated and pecked
upon. Regardless of social status or age, fear of difference drives people
into hostility from nursery school to working life. When difference is
brought to the streets, the hostility condenses into burning hatred. That's
when people get hurt. The difference has to be put out, no matter what the
cost. The lives of the different have no value or meaning when put face to
face with the mob.

What's your stand? How do you justify your hate for the different? Or do
you think you are tolerant enough to accept the different as one of the

Have you ever asked yourself, WHY are you so afraid of difference? Are you
disgusted by difference? Have you come to realize that you are not
disgusted of ANYTHING as an infant? Everything you hate is direct or
indirect result of someone teaching you to hate it. Imagine it yourself.
You can teach a child into hating anything. It's all in the hands of the
parents. If this is ever going to end, it has to start early. We need to
plant the seed of understanding now. It's an ungrateful job, and we won't
see the results until many, many years from now. But if all sensible people
took a bit of responsibility and planted that seed, lives would be saved.


Let it be the colour of your skin, the way you feel about the opposite sex,
your religion, your view of the world, your hearing or vision. Such details
are trivial and pointless. Do you need to ask why is difference such an
issue? If you do, read this rant back. Difference is an issue every single
day, every single hour and every single minute. At this very moment, tears
are shed over difference. The anxiety over mundane business brings the
different to their knees all the time. Imagine yourself not being able to
go to the store, even though you have nothing to eat. It's like you're in
house arrest, with the key in your hand.

The different never hold the keys. You and I, we hold the keys to the
worlds of the different. No matter how insignificant you may think your
contribution to the endless sea of hostility is, it will be remembered by
the different. You can cause so much pain without having any idea. Take
some responsibility, rise above that ocean. You are the beginning of the
end. It's our responsibility to make the world better. Even though my view
might be considered exaggeration, it is so just to make a point. Call me a
pessimist, but I don't believe we can ever reach the point where none are
done wrong. But I do believe that if we don't make the effort, things will
only get worse.

That we can stop.

Time: 11:20 / Uptime: 825 days, 23:52
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