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random quotes*

Kaikki ne päivät vain tulivat ja menivät, eikä kukaan kertonut minulle että
se oli elämä
    - anon

It's not a catastrophe
It's more a philosophy
Like the Russians wondering why
We're born under a blue sky
But die in a dark forest
    - Pet Shop Boys, "Happiness is an option"

"There are only two kinds of artists: the plagiarists and the
    - Paul Gauguin

"There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are
others who, thanks to their art and intelligence, transform a yellow spot
into the sun."
    - Pablo Picasso 

"Isn't the man who chooses the bad in some way better than the man who has
the good forced upon him?"
    - Alex (A Clockwork Orange)

"Blood cannot be washed out with blood."
    - Afghan proverb

"When I was a child I wanted a red bicycle. So I prayed to God for one.
Then I realised that the Lord in His wisdom doesn't work that way. So I
stole one and asked him to forgive me."
    - Emo Phillips

Q. What's the difference between people who pray in church and those who
pray in casinos?
A. The ones in the casinos are serious. 

There is no conceivable human action which custom has not at one time
justified and at another condemned.
    -  Joseph Wood Krutch

"The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence that it is
not utterly absurd."
    - Bertrand Russell

Time: 18:53 / Uptime: 826 days, 7:25
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