ASCII Viewer .NET Online Help
The Options-menu
- General Information
- These options are the very heart of AV.NET - you can configure many aspects of the program from here to your liking.
- Class/ID Editor
- Here you can set up some TagIt-related functionality and you personal coding preferences, such as using META character encoding (and which charset to use), default classes and external CSS links. You can right-click on some of the items for more information in the program.
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- Favorite Paths
- Here you can set up up to 3 paths for use as defaults in saving or browsing for files. I recommend using QuickJump for fast file access, this is just handy for setting up a smart default save location.
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- Select Language
- Here you can select the language in which you would like to use AV.NET.
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- Unsaved Data Behaviour
- You can change the way AV.NET reacts when you try to close the active document and haven't saved your last changes yet. The default is "Always Warn", which will always prompt you to save your work in all cases. The second is "Don't Warn When QuickJumping" which is a feature I personally like - it will still warn you in any other case except when you use the QuickJump feature. It makes using the QuickJump faster, but riskier. If you forget to save your work before QuickJumping, your changes since the last save will be lost. Finally, there's a very risky option that offers you superior speed in using the program at the cost of reduced security. With "Never Warn", AV.NET will never issue warnings or prompt you to save your work. This is handy if you're dead tired of the save-popup, but the responsibility is yours.
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- TagIt! Settings > Minimal Tables
- Minimal tables controls how the TagIt! table functions. By default, using TagIt! Table will print out a pre-indented table with one row and one cell already in place. If you don't like it, you can use this option to have the TagIt! Table print out nothing but a standard table-tagset.
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- Scroll to End of File at Load
- This option allows you to scroll the document view to the bottom every time you load a file. It may or may not be useful to you - just another personal preference.
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- Browse All Files by Default
- This will force AV.NET to show you the "All Files"-filter by default when browsing for files. If you have to parse through directories with hundreds of files, you may not want to activate this feature and use one of the other AV.NET predefined filters instead. Of course you can always change the filter when accessing the browse dialog - this is just another option you can use to make working with AV.NET even faster.
Tip: The filter is located at the bottom of the file browser window.- (Back to top)
- Undo Level
- This option allows you to control the amount of security versus memory usage in AV.NET. Undo "levels" are the amount of steps you can go back with undo when editing your work. If you keep it at the default level of "Single", you will have an "emergency backup" at hand if you notice an error immediately after making it, without using almost any memory. "Infinite", on the other hand, is the opposite. It will allow you to backtrack your work all the way to the beginning of your editing at any point in time, at the cost of increased memory consumption when working on big files for extended periods of time. "Custom" allows you to define the ratio of security versus memory usage yourself: You can define a number of steps for the depth. Using a number like 5 gives you a fairly good rollback rate for mistakes at a reasonably low memory cost.
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