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(ops) auto-op, (php) uvisit, (vb6) avnet, (vb6) blaunch, (vb6) qvis (vb6) wscc
Notice: Undefined variable: double_cell in /www/saboteurweb.com/content/code/project_handler.php on line 278
(ops) auto-op:
Bersirc Auto-Op
- Description:
- Object Pascal script for Bersirc IRC client. It will auto-op people you define when they join to channels you define.
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Notice: Undefined variable: double_cell in /www/saboteurweb.com/content/code/project_handler.php on line 278
(php) uvisit:
Unique Visitor Counter
- Description:
- UVisit is the very same counter I use on this website to count unique visitors. The idea is that it counts visitors, not hits - so only one IP address will be recorded and refreshing the page won't increase the count. This slightly modified distributable version of the script comes with a setup script that you can use if your PHP knowledge is limited. There is also a statistics script based on UVisit - you can view it by clicking the amount of visitors in the upper right hand corner of this page. That script, however, is so crude I won't distribute the source of it. Let's just say you can write a better one yourself if you wish; the UVisit log format is easy enough to follow.
- PHP4 is required.
- 15.10.2003
Project repackaged with updated contact information and a more informative readme.txt. - 3.9.2002
Project added. Finally a real home for this script, after a long time of only being presented on Freshmeat.net.
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(vb6) avnet:
v1.1 Build #4
- Description:
- AV.NET is a one-stop file editor designed for HTML, CSS, PHP or any standard ASCII file editing.
- It boasts editing and technical overview (count characters and such) features that are hopefully just as advanced as you'd expect from any today's text editor (like unlimited undo). One of the most exciting features of the program is that you can translate it to any language you wish. It comes with an English and Finnish option, but feel free to send in your language packs to be included. It also features a QuickJump system that you can use to fly across your most important files with only a couple of keypresses (think of them as bookmarks). You can drop a file on top of the program and get to editing right away. The package includes templates for XHTML 1.1 and CSS2 files for comfort when creating new pages, as well as a wizard tool for style tags and hyperlinks in HTML. Included is also a comprehensive array of reference links that'll be all you will need for most of your webpage building needs. For viewing oldskool ASCII art there's a console.
- And, this is the sweetest part, it has a PHP function helper that'll remind you of the arguments for a function as you're typing it, as well as a list of PHP functions which you can browse.
- 10.12.2011
AVNet1.1 runs under Windows7 64bit. The release 4 build - updated today - includes necessary files and documentation to do this - it is quite easy. - 25.5.2003
v1.1 build 4 now finalized. Big improvements! (Classic Console, PHP function helper, big bugfixes). Get it, get it now!
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(vb6) blaunch:
v1.0 Build #6
- Description:
- This program was written for use by my friends and myself on internet BattleZone 2 games without that crappy GameSpy. It's neatly coded and usage should be fool-proof. I provided an easy interface for connecting to games without making your own shortcuts that you have to modify all the time. The interface design was meant to be intuitive and user friendly - hopefully people can see how it works without me having to write a 5-page manual...
- 3.9.2002
Project migrated to new system. No changes in the application.
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(vb6) qvis:
Quick Visual File Encoding
- Description:
- QVis - for Quick Visual File Encoding (originally VisualLame, but evolved to an all-purpose console application host later). A quick to use frontend for LAME, FLAC or any other third console application you may wish to use with it. This is for those of you who can't be bothered to use command prompts when a GUI is available. Note that you'll have to get the plugins yourself, which may mean having to compile LAME yourself.
- LAME: http://www.mp3dev.org/mp3/
- FLAC: http://flac.sourceforge.net/
- 4.9.2002
Project added; initial release.
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(vb6) wscc:
Web Shopper's Currency Converter
- Description:
- WSCC stands for the Web Shopper's Currency Converter. Targeted primarily for EU residents, it can convert between EUR, USD, GBP, AUD and EEK in any combination and show the amount with VAT (Value Added Tax) included! Just pick your country and the type of goods and the program will show that VAT rate and the total price with (or without) the VAT. Best of all, you can update the exchange rates in real time from the internet with just a couple of mouse clicks so you'll be always on top!
- 3.9.2002
Project added; initial release. There isn't much documentation available yet...
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